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You Are Unique, Significant And Known To Yahweh God By Your Name


Whenever we're tempted to believe that you're insignificant, think about your security chip otherwise known as your finger prints. Did you know that there are NO two similar fingerprints on earth even though there are  over 7 billion people?


It's not at all a trivial job for computers to work out how to generate random numbers, and yet, with billions of people on the planet, no two sets of fingerprints are identical. Simple human fingerprints display the kind of randomness of which computers can only dream (if computers dreamed, that is). Even identical twins have unique fingerprints, because development of fingerprints is both genetically and environmentally influenced. We are born with fingerprints - we evolved the nifty grooves

and swirls on our fingers so it would be easier to grip things. But the way the prints turn out for each person is entirely unique.


Unique fingerprints, along with their being just a neat thing to think about, have practical benefits as well. They've proved to be a pretty reliable form of identification, fitting well within the broader area of biometric security. Presenting human, physical evidence of who you are tends to make for a much more reliable security system. After all, it's relatively easy to get a fake ID card, but it's extremely hard to fake a physical trait such as a fingerprint.


Similarly, you can guess someone's password, but you can't guess somebody's fingerprint, much less present it as your own. Furthermore, your physical characteristics are always with you, while you could lose an ID card. And, finally, while passwords are easy to forget, you can't really forget to bring your fingerprints. The question is, could all these happen by accident? The answer is NO! Fingerprints are our Creator God's way of showing that every individual matter to Him. You are unique and thoroughly loved by Yahweh God.


And the bible tells us in Matthew 10:30 ..... that even the  very hairs of your head are all numbered. Being significant in this world is so important, yet many of us do not experience it. We tend to look for significance in our looks, our position, our wealth etc. Those are fine but true significance is when you are connected to God and knowing the legal benefits Jesus' gave you. It's like your privileges as a citizen - without knowing your constitution, you would not know what your privileges are as a citizen. Similarly, the Bible explains the privileges that you obtain once you become a child of Yahweh God, and that is what we want to share with you.


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