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About Joseph


Is life  evolved from nothing  as evolutionists claim or  is there more to it? Which is THE right way? And how will one KNOW? This has been the subject of much philosophical, scientific and theological speculation throughout history, and this is a short account of my journey in search for the meaning of our existence.


I was born into a broken family, the youngest of seven children. My father was a devout Catholic. When he divorced, I was placed in a Catholic convent as a 4 year old toddler and lived there for the next eight years. During that period, I never had any contact with my mother, brothers or sisters and Dad came to see me only occasionally. I later found out that all my sisters had migrated to Europe during my stay here. It was heart breaking for me. 


You see, I am a person who loves the family unit and being torn from my parents and siblings at such a young age left me devastated. I was traumatised by the separation and pined for the day to be re-united with them, which unfortunately never came.


After eight years at the convent, I was transferred to another Catholic institution (Boys Town) and lived here for another four years. All these while I considered myself a Catholic but practising it never gave me peace or refuge from the misery of separation. One day I went into a small private prayer room which had nothing but a statue of Mary in it. Once alone inside, I locked the door, knelt down and poured my heart out to her. The years of separation from my family and the regimented lifestyle of living in an institutional home got to me.  I was overcome with grief and had a meltdown. I  knelt there with my head bowed and just cried my heart out to Mary. When I had finished, I looked up to her expecting some kind of response to my desperate plea for help to deal with my miserable, senseless situation. But what I got in return was simply a stoned, silenced stare! It was the same look that I got BEFORE I started praying to her. It then suddenly hit home that I HAD BEEN TALKING TO A FIGURE MADE OF STONE. It had ears, but could not hear, eyes but could not see! I was crying to a STONE SCULPTURE! That experience devastated me and I NEVER prayed to statues again - EVER!


Where is Truth? 


After my  devastating experience with the statue, I turned my attention to other religions and beyond - to religions that were established even before Christianity. Did they have an answer to life's existence? When it was time for me to leave the Boys Town  as a teenager in 1974, I was already into cigarettes, alcohol and substance abuse.  My Dad re-married and had a life and family of his own where there was no place for me, although there were brief periods where he allowed me to stay with him. But soon I was on my own, a drifter, a rolling stone.  Two years later, I was called up for military service. After completion in 1978, I joined the merchant fleet and sailed around the world, working  in the engine room. Wherever I went or whatever I did, the search for life's answers never left me. 




Meanwhile, my addiction to substance and alcohol abuse got worse. It was a wonder how I survived all those years living an immoral 'cowboy' life in the fast lane.  Back in Singapore, in 1987 when the cops were on my heels for drug abuse, I reluctantly took shelter in a Christian halfway home. Reluctant because I associated Protestant Christianity with Catholicism - and wanted NOTHING to do with it especially after my encounter with the statue. However, my back was against the wall. I was penniless, homeless, sick from drugs and worse of all, was wanted by the law. I had to find a refuge. Hiding in the Christian halfway seemed a perfect solution, but what happened there changed me forever.


After I recuperated from substance abuse at the halfway home, I wanted to leave immediately because  I disliked  Christianity. However, the pastor talked me into staying and challenged me to find out whether the God of the Bible  was real or not. I took up the challenge and started reading the Bible to find fault with it, but instead, I found the Truth. In September 1987, I was Born Again, and my life took a  turn that I could never have imagined in my wildest dreams.


My curiosity about life since I was young ended when the Spirit of God came into me and removed the scales from my eyes.  I had tried to find the true God in so many other religions, cults, beliefs, ideologies. Some of them were portrayed as noble but in the end, it was Yahweh, through His Son Yeshua (Jesus) and not a statue or an image that gave me new life.  My search for the meaning in life came to an end. Now, I not only had a permanent place to stay in, but also a permanent God who loved me. The moment I was born again in 1987 is still vivid in my mind when I proclaimed 3 times with joy, "I FOUND IT!"


New Life

Now that I was sober and had a roof over my head (the halfway home), I found a job with a publishing company selling advertising space for magazines. On hindsight it was really Yeshua who opened this door for me.  After several years, I started my own publishing company producing food-related publications. In 2004, I married a wonderful young lady, Ms Weng Yang. She is truly Yahweh God's gift to me.  We have one son, who is the apple of my eye. Marriage was difficult for me though. My traumatic years of being a rejected child coupled with hardcore substance abuse had fashioned me into a person incapable of having relationships. I was a misfit, a social outcast, a hurt and very angry person.


The first couple of years were terrible for my wife to say the least, and I am deeply indebted to her for not leaving me.

I look back at those years with utter embarrassment of how I treated her. My Saviour Yeshua  also did not desert me - on the contrary, it is because of His gift of discernment  to understand His Word that transformed my life and especially my attitude towards my wife.


She is  now my best friend, helper, colleague and my soulmate and I can say with certainty that the Lord has provided me a perfect person to raise a family with, to partner in my work, and also to spread the message of the Good News.


Dear reader, the God that I met in 1987 is a God of unbelievable might yet is unbelievably loving. There is no way to convince you of this except to experience it for yourself. The Bible calls this supernatural spiritual encounter 'born again'. If you are  searching for the meaning in life, there is hope because God is real. There is some information on this site which provides evidence for the existence of a creator God. Please take time to ponder over them and if you need to talk to someone, my wife and I are always ready to listen. Please do not hesitate to contact us via email. We would love to share the Good News with you. 



Shalom & thank you for visiting.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Joseph Lefort



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Life Matters

As a hardcore substance abuser in the late 70s

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